
I teach courses in practical philosophy; specifically focussed in the philosophy of action, life and virtue. In my courses I draw from ancient and modern philosophical traditions in order to discuss contemporary philosophical problems in a way that allows the class to identify their undelying assumptions. I am currently planning new courses on Gender and Philosophy, Love in Moral Philosophy and the Imagination.
I have taught at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Athens, the Hellenic Open University and I have also taught a great number of American liberal arts college students at College Year in Athens. I am now teaching at the University of Patras. Below you will find a sample of my teaching work.
In one of my seminars at CYA
The Concept of Life in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Relevance Today
In this class we explore the crucial role that the concept of life plays in the formation of the ancient Greek philosophy of ethics, politics and culture. We focus mainly on Aristotle's philosophical account of life which. To do this we examine his understanding of nature as having its own ends, the distinction between genus and as species, his account of the logic of life and the distinction between forms of life. We also examine how this philosophy of life is both an influence and an alternative to modern and contemporary philosophies of ethics, politics and culture.
Action in Ancient Greek and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
This course is meant as an introduction to what often goes by the general name of “practical philosophy” – the study most generally put as philosophical reflection on the question of action. Philosophical reflection on the question of action forms a very rich and subtly nested complex of related sub-questions, which are framed in terms of concepts such as those reason, desire, truth, knowledge, intention and intentional action, life, virtue and well-being (happiness) for the individual and the polis, etc. The aim of this course is to throw light on the shape that these concepts took in ancient Greek and modern philosophy with a view to bringing to the foreground and critiquing the shape of our very own conceptions of action.